Dear friends,
The mega-dam would flood huge tracts of rainforest and displace thousands of indigenous people. The companies who would profit from the dam have been trying to bulldoze past environmental laws -- and want to break ground within weeks.
The Amazon is a global treasure, and a worldwide outcry is needed now. The resignation could clear the way for the dam's license--or, if enough of us raise our voices, it could mark a turning point against the project. Let's make this a defining moment on the world stage for Brazil's new President Dilma. Sign the emergency petition to Dilma to stop Belo Monte and protect the Amazon -- it will be delivered spectacularly with Avaaz's indigenous partners in Brazil's capital once we reach 150,000 signatures:
Eletronorte, the company who will profit most from Belo Monte, is demanding that the license to start construction be issued even if the project does not meet environmental standards.
Experts and officials who study the proposed dam overwhelmingly reject it as a catastrophe in the making. Abelardo Bayma Azevedo, who stepped down last week as president of Brazil's environmental agency, is not the first resignation caused by pressure to allow Belo Monte; his predecessor stepped down for the same reason last year, as did Brazil's Minister for the Environment -- among other top officials. Now, it's up to us to ensure that these resignations, and decades of protest within Brazil, will not be in vain.
Belo Monte would flood 100,000 acres of rainforest, affect hundreds of kilometres of the Xingu river, and displace over 40,000 people, including indigenous communities of 18 different ethnic groups who depend on the Xingu for their subsistence. It is so economically risky that the government has had to turn to public funds for most of the $16 billion investment. And the dam would be one of Brazil's least efficient, operating at only 10% capacity for the dry months from July to October.
The dam's backers argue that it will supply Brazil's growing energy needs. But a far greater, greener, and cheaper supply of energy is available: energy efficiency. A WWF study found that efficiency alone could save the equivalent of 14 Belo Monte dams by 2020. The benefits of a truly green approach would go to everyone, rather than a handful of powerful corporations. But it's only the corporations who hire lobbyists and wield political muscle -- unless enough of us, in the global public, raise our voices, and ensure that Dilma faces a real choice for Brazil's future.
Belo Monte's construction could start as early as February. Brazil's Minister of Energy and Mining, Edson Lobão, says the next license will be approved soon -- we need to stop Belo Monte before the bulldozers move in. Let’s welcome Dilma into the presidency with a massive outcry to do the right thing: stop Belo Monte!
Brazil might be the world's best hope for progress against climate change, and for bringing North and South countries together on the most hopeful common ground. Now, that hope resides in President Dilma. By calling together for her to reject the Belo Monte dam and pursue a better path, we invite her to live up to that opportunity -- and to help build a future that all of us, from the tribes along the Xingu to the grandchildren of today's city dwellers, can be proud of.
With hope,
Ben, Graziela, Alice, Ricken, Rewan, and the whole team
IBAMA President Resigns Over Belo Monte Licensing:
PowerSwitch report by WWF-Brazil examining opportunities for energy efficiency:
Amazon Watch fact sheet:
Power and the Xingu:

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